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International Rescue Committee ("IRC")

The International Rescue Committee ("IRC") ( is the world's largest non-profit organization with an exclusive focus on helping people affected by conflict and disaster.  Through their Airbel Impact Lab, they engaged with SeaFreight Labs to use crowd-solving to search for solutions to the most intractable problems for refugees - problems that affect millions of people.  The engagement consisted of multiple challenges.  Click HERE for more details.   


This engagement is part of our commitment to the Pledge-1% movement.​

  • The first IRC challenge was sourced from refugee camps: Safe and Desirable Female Toilets in Refugee Camps.   This challenge was looking for new ideas in three different categories of problems with current latrines:  improved lighting, locking and alerting when in need of maintenance.  Winning solutions needed to cost less than US$20 for all three categories.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.  Click HERE to read the full challenge definition.  Click HERE to read about the winning submissions and the winning solvers.  Click HERE to read the IRC press release about the winners.


  • The IRC's second challenge came from another part of their work:  Innovative Packaging for Last Mile Medical Supply Delivery.  This challenge was seeking new ideas for cost-efficient packaging that are trackable, secure and reusable and that can be used in the delivery of medical supplies in Sierra Leone.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.  Click HERE to read about the winning solution and winning solvers.  Click HERE to read the IRC press release about the winners.  

  • The IRC's fourth challenge was a new use-case for Humanitarian Crowd-Solving.  The IRC Climate Team was preparing to initiate a 6-12 month research project on disaster-risk-reduction for rural Somalia and Afghanistan.  As a way to accelerate their initial research, they ran a 30-day challenge to solicit the global crowd for help in identifying effective traditional means of mitigating community vulnerability to climate or weather disasters such as flooding, erratic rainfall, extreme heatwaves and drought.  In the same challenge they also solicited help in identifying modern technology that could make traditional methods more effective.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.   

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Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity ( is the world's largest non-profit organization with an exclusive focus on eliminating inadequate housing from the earth.  Through their Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter, they engaged with SeaFreight Labs to use crowd-solving to search for solutions to the most intractable problems in housing - problems that keep millions around the world living in substandard conditions.  The engagement consisted of four challenges.  Click HERE for more details.    


This engagement is part of our commitment to the Pledge-1% movement.​

  • The first challenge was sourced from the Philippines: Increasing Resilience to Earthquakes and Typhoons for Homes with No Foundations.    This challenge looked for low-cost ways to retrofit existing homes built without foundations so they can better survive the frequent earthquakes and typhoons in that country.  Click HERE to visit the challenge. 



  • The second challenge was sourced from India:  Improved Construction and Demolition Waste Management.  This challenge sought new thinking on the collection, transportation and/or segregation of construction and demolition (C&D) waste generated by the infrastructure, industrial, commercial or residential segments.  The goal is to reduce the amount of the waste and to generate resources to be used in new construction.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.



  • The third challenge was sourced from Kenya:  Malaria Prevention through Innovations in Home Design or Home Life.  This challenge sought ideas on how to keep mosquitoes out of a simple Kenyan home and/or how to affect the behavior of mosquitoes in the home so that they don't bite the inhabitants.  To goal is to reduce infection with malaria by reducing the bites that transmit the virus.  Click HERE to visit the challenge. 



  • The fourth challenge was sourced from Mexico:  Affordable Water Harvesting for Low-Income Households in Urban Areas.  This challenge looked for affordable water harvesting solutions for use in urban areas, with a particular focus on approaches to low-income households in Mexico where more than a third of homes suffer from water shortages.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.

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World Vision

World Vision ( is global Christian humanitarian organization with a focus on children. 

They partner with children, families and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.  They engaged with SeaFreight Labs to use crowd-solving to generate new solutions for their WASH (WAter, Sanitation and Health) division.  Their engagement consists of four challenges.  Click HERE for more details.


This engagement is part of our commitment to the Pledge-1% movement.

  • The first challenge deals with a problem endemic to large parts of rural Africa:   Affordable, Rural Single-Family Sanitation Solutions.  The challenge is looking for new ideas that can dramatically reduce the cost of construction for the containment, interface and superstructure of a family toilet unit.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.   



  • The second challenge will accelerate World Vision's move from simple wells with handpumps to piped water systems in rural villages:   Low-Cost Chlorine Monitoring for Rural Piped Water Systems.  The challenge is soliciting low-cost, easily maintainable technologies and/or devices to monitor free residual chlorine in piped water systems located in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa.  Click HERE to visit the challenge.



  • The third challenge is seeking to revolutionize how World Vision (and other NGOs) track their progress on the important task of tracking community progress in achieving universal latrine coverage:  Efficient and Reliable Counting of Improved Latrines.  The challenge is seeking new (automated) ways to count the number of improved latrines in a community or region.  Click HERE to visit the challenge. 





  • The fourth challenge is soliciting invention of a new business model that could help World Vision multiply their planned 2021-2025 investment of US$1 billion in WAter, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) into up to US$5 billion.  It is titled Leveraging Funds to Increase Investment in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.  Click HERE  to visit the challenge.

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Need more details? Contact us.
SeaFreight Labs is a consultancy delivering crowd-solving services to businesses and non-profits.  We serve as "Project Advisor" on global challenges to cost effectively deliver breakthrough innovation to intractable problems.
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