Is This You?
You are a senior executive at a leading SeaFreight company or at a humanitarian NGO. You have hundreds or thousands of global colleagues. You have a committed operations or IT team. And yet, you are NOT satisfied with your capabilities.
You are frustrated with this situation and wish that you could get some new ideas that could dramatically change this. Things are moving too slowly and there is no prospect of a dramatic improvement.

Need Something Better?
You need a new process for innovation because:
No single company has enough smart people to solve every problem; and,
No individual has enough breadth of experience to solve every problem.
Seafreight Labs provides a platform that removes both of these constraints. Keep reading!

SeaFreight Labs is a platform that uses the ‘crowd’ as an innovation partner. You define a problem that you want to solve and SeaFreight Labs brings this to a global community of close to 700,000 Solvers. This diverse group of individuals has varied skills, experiences, and perspectives on a scale that exceeds that of any corporation. These individuals propose solutions and you select the best one(s).

SeaFreight Labs focuses exclusively on the SeaFreight industry and humanitarian organizations. Our team has deep domain expertise in the details of how these industries work today. We have a vision for how they could work better in the not-too-distant future. We have a passion to help industry players and the industry innovate our way to a better future.
We apply the generic power of crowd innovation but filter out extraneous solutions and encourage promising submissions.
SeaFreight Labs partners with the industry leader, Wazoku (formerly, InnoCentive), to design and execute global innovation challenges. Our proven Challenge Drive Innovation™(CDI) process connects organizations seeking solutions to their most important challenges with an unrivaled network of expert problem solvers – both experts from within seafreight, but more importantly experts from outside of seafreight, that can offer diverse perspectives and fresh insight. Learn more about how it works by watching the short video below. Read a case study about our work with Habitat for Humanity HERE.
SeaFreight Labs improves on your current R&D processes in two important ways:
We improve the quality of your solutions by generating many different approaches from which you choose the best. Each crowd team looks at the problem from a different perspective; therefore, they deliver a different solution. Our exclusive focus on SeaFreight means that the submissions are screened and filtered so every one makes sense for your business need.
We reduce elapsed innovation time because you get multiple iterations pursuing a solution – all at the same time. At the end of the SeaFreight Labs process, you will have explored many more paths than is possible internally. Each one will be focused with no time wasted on distractions.